Holbrook Electrical is an independent specialist in the design and construction of business critical, close-control IT environments. These include data centres, modular computer rooms and communication suites. For more than fifteen years HRE Ltd has worked closely with both public & private sector clients to create a wide range of resilient computer room facilities – from advanced, high-density server rooms to data centres in excess of 5,000 square feet. With a uniquely experienced in-house team of mechanical and electrical staff, CAD operators, project managers and electrical engineers, HRE Ltd is one of the few specialists who can both design and build every aspect of your computer room build or upgrade project. HRE Ltd provides computer room related services across the UK from our headquarters in Maidstone, Kent. Some areas we specialise in essential for the successful protection of your critical data is as follows: Typical Installation Include:Data Centre Upgrades (Planning and Implementation)Full Electrical and Back-up Power Design and Installation”Turn-Key” Data Centre ConstructionStaff Training Planned and 24/7 Reactive Computer Room Maintenance Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS): A loss of power, even momentarily, can cause a system to crash. A UPS will maintain power by switching instantaneously to batteries in the […]
Marina Power Distribution, Design, Installation and Testing. Holbrook Revell Electrical have many years experience working in marinas. We started out by carrying out inspection & testing which is required annually in these specialists environments. After this we started to offer call out and repair services. These were successful and we then implemented a plan for design and installation of new electrical distribution systems. These are one of the most expensive areas of marina installation and planned maintenance. Our designers take into consideration factors such as climate, condition, boat traffic and types, local markets and the latest trends and technologies available. Holbrook Electrical can recommend and install a range of smart metering and Pre-pay solutions for Marina and Caravan Park operators. Holbrook Electrical have installed Meter-Macs in 2 locations at Ramsgate Royal Harbour and throughout the entire Marina areas at Dover Harbour Board. Taking all of these factors in to account will contribute to creating an efficient and robust electrical system. As well as designing & maintaining electrical distribution panels, HRE can also provide fixed or portable main & sub main distribution systems to IP65 & ATEX standards and being an NICEIC contractor the peace of mind that the system […]
Utility monitoring and control solutions Stop Wasting Time, Energy and Money Now ! It is no longer acceptable to continue supplying and/or using utilities free at point of use or with blanket pricing structures, both can lead to wasteful usage. Governments and other institutions comment on environmental impact, but the prime concern to businesses is the impact on profitability of rapidly increasing costs and excessive use of utilities. Meter-MACS is a cost-effective Solution for all types of Property Businesses and other Utility Re-sellers e.g. Holiday Parks, Marinas, Ports, Commercial / Franchised Lets, Flats, Condominiums, Student Accommodation, Exhibition Facilities. SMART Meter-MACS enables businesses to better control, manage and recover utility and other service costs – Electricity, Water, Gas, Parking, Access… SMART Meter-MACS will also provide the information and analysis needed by Management to make informed decisions affecting the future of their businesses. Contact Us For More Information Give Us A Call: 01622 678 916 Or get in touch on the form below Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Subject Your Message
Wе provide a соmрlеtе рrоfеѕѕіоnаl private nеtwоrk electrical installation ѕеrvісе uр tо 33kV, follow this link and get more information. Frоm specifying аnd supplying еԛuірmеnt, еаrthіng, circuit breakers installations, рrоtесtіоn; grаdіng ѕtudіеѕ thrоugh tо саblе wоrkѕ аnd соmmіѕѕіоnіng, аll projects аrе hаndlеd bу a dedicated Slаtеrѕ project manager thrоughоut. Our еxреrіеnсеd аnd сеrtіfіеd ѕіtе ѕеrvісеѕ engineers provide a complete ѕеrvісе tо operate, mаіntаіn & uрgrаdе сrіtісаl еlесtrісаl іnfrаѕtruсturе іn a ѕаfе, rеlіаblе and efficient соndіtіоn throughout іtѕ еntіrе lіfесусlе. Holbrook Electrical offer a comprehensive installation & commissioning service which includes standard testing and pre-commissioning through to final system commissioning and energisation of all manufacturers switchgear and associated protection and metering devices, including the following; HV SwitchgearMV SwitchgearTransformer ReplacementProtection & Control SystemsSubstation ConstructionProtection & Control Systems With a team of experienced HV/LV Switchgear Personel we can provide support on all the main manufacturers of switchgear and a wide range of retro-fit options. Working with key manufacturers of the leading brands including Schneider Electric and ABB we have extensive knowledge and experience on the installation and commissioning of most switchgear and associated protection equipment. Significant installation & commissioning projects carried out by Holbrook Electrical include the installation and commissioning of a 500 KVA […]
During The Recent Bad Weather Holbrook's Flood Barrier Was A Great Success ! Holbrook Electrical and Engineering were contacted by the East Kent Engineering Partnership based in Canterbury and tasked with a specialist flood barrier design and build project. We researched the current market looking at readily available system to deploy but no one has designed or manufactured the specialist type of gate the client was looking for. Holbrook Electrical therefore took on the design, manufacture, testing, and installation and commissioning of a vertical raising grade 316 stainless steel, hydraulically operated flood barrier. The timescale from initial discussion, design, manufacture and installation met the client’s requirements and the finished gate was installed in the completed 6 million pound revetment and flood protection scheme completed on Margate seafront. This award winning scheme is a key part to Thanet District Councils plan the revitalise Margate as not only a visitor’s destination again but most importantly to improve the quality of facilities and improve the lives of the local population living in the district. The schemes position for the gate changed a couple of times and the design had to be revised. Due to future requirements for maintenance the system is constructed with […]
Outside Security LightingData Mains Intake RoomData Floor BracknellBracknell Data Storage Centre FloorDovers Green SchoolDengie CropsTrunking and Distribution WorkPower Sockets For UPSTradewise Office Re-fitCommacial Kitchen Re-Wire Why Choose Holbrook ? As an NICEIC approved electrical contractor that has full “Part P” registered approval you can have the confidence that all our installations and system processes meet the highest of standards. We have the ability to deal with your particular requirements – anything from the smallest maintenance jobs through to design and installation of major projects and complex installations. A diverse Service portfolio encompassing all aspects of electrical building services enables Holbrook Electrical and Engineering to offer you complete and innovative project solutions. Holbrook Electrical and Engineering are also accredited members of CHAS, Safecontractor and are registered waste carriers with the Environment agency. Therefore you can be assured that H&S is important to us and any waste generated can be removed and re-cycled safely to help minimise the impact on the environment. Holbrook Electrical and Engineering have many years’ experience working in various environments and specialist areas such as Ports and Harbours, Marinas, River side locations, Industrial units and factories, Power Stations, Retail Outlets, Caravan Parks and Schools and Colleges. Some Of The Services […]