Testing & Inspection
No electrical system or appliance can be considered safe for initial use until it has been inspected, tested and certified. Furthermore, as electrical systems deteriorate with age and with use, an established system should always be in place for scheduled Electrical Condition Reports to be carried out.
Holbrook Revell Electrical can carry out a Electrical Condition Reports, informing you of the condition of your installation and any remedial works that may be required to bring it up to a satisfactory and safe standard.
This type of report is recognised and increasingly required by major insurance companies, solicitors, and Local Authorities. In the event of an accident or dangerous occurrence this certification/reports are one of the first things the Health & Safety executive look for.
We have carried out periodic inspections on various commercial buildings and sites, all of which are subject to quite unique requirements, including ports, harbours, marina's, churches, multi-storey office blocks, hospitals, warehouse premises, public houses, restaurants, Schools and Colleges.
Electricity at work regulations 1989 (EAWR) places a legal responsibility on both employers and employees to ensure that electrical systems used at work are safe.
The Health and Safety at Work Act and the electricity at work regulations cover the legal requirements for electrical safety and apply to all places of work including educational establishments.
Under the regulations, every employer has a duty to ensure that all reasonable precautions are taken to achieve electrical safety.In the case of schools and colleges, the head teacher will normally be regarded as the principal duty holder. In private companies it will normally be the Managing Director or appointed facilities manager who need to ensure the following:
Competent Person
Ensure that installation, repair and maintance work is carried out by NICEIC aproved contractor
Safety First
Confirm the saftey of the installation and equipment by arranging Electrical Condition Reports and PAT Testing
Safety Procedures
Implement and maintain saftey procedures for all electrical equipment in the workplace.
Check Out Our Handy NIC Guide To Testing & Inspection For The Public
Electrical Installation, Perodic Inspection, Minor Works
Fire Alarm gdsgsdfgsdgsdghsdghsdfhdfhdfhd
Emergency Lighting & Pat Testing 2345567